Module: JSON::LD::FromRDF
Instance Method Summary collapse
#from_statements(dataset, useRdfType: false, useNativeTypes: false, extendedRepresentation: false) ⇒ Array<Hash>
Generate a JSON-LD array representation from an array of
Methods included from Utils
#add_value, #as_array, #as_resource, #blank_node?, #compare_values, #graph?, #has_value?, #index?, #list?, #node?, #node_or_ref?, #node_reference?, #property?, #simple_graph?, #value?
Instance Method Details
#from_statements(dataset, useRdfType: false, useNativeTypes: false, extendedRepresentation: false) ⇒ Array<Hash>
Generate a JSON-LD array representation from an array of RDF::Statement
. Representation is in expanded form
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# File 'lib/json/ld/from_rdf.rb', line 22 def from_statements(dataset, useRdfType: false, useNativeTypes: false, extendedRepresentation: false) default_graph = {} graph_map = { '@default' => default_graph } referenced_once = {} value = nil # Create an entry for compound-literal node detection compound_literal_subjects = {} # Create a map for node to object representation # For each statement in dataset dataset.each do |statement| # log_debug("statement") { statement.to_nquads.chomp} name = if statement.graph_name @context.(statement.graph_name, base: @options[:base]).to_s else '@default' end # Create a graph entry as needed node_map = graph_map[name] ||= {} compound_literal_subjects[name] ||= {} default_graph[name] ||= { '@id' => name } unless name == '@default' subject = if statement.subject.statement? resource_representation(statement.subject, useNativeTypes, extendedRepresentation)['@id'].to_json_c14n else statement.subject.to_s end node = node_map[subject] ||= resource_representation(statement.subject, useNativeTypes, extendedRepresentation) # If predicate is rdf:datatype, note subject in compound literal subjects map if @options[:rdfDirection] == 'compound-literal' && statement.predicate == RDF_DIRECTION compound_literal_subjects[name][subject] ||= true end # If object is an IRI, blank node identifier, or statement, and node map does not have an object member, create one and initialize its value to a new JSON object consisting of a single member @id whose value is set to object. unless statement.object.literal? object = if statement.object.statement? resource_representation(statement.object, useNativeTypes, extendedRepresentation)['@id'].to_json_c14n else statement.object.to_s end node_map[object] ||= resource_representation(statement.object, useNativeTypes, extendedRepresentation) end # If predicate equals rdf:type, and object is an IRI or blank node identifier, append object to the value of the @type member of node. If no such member exists, create one and initialize it to an array whose only item is object. Finally, continue to the next RDF triple. if statement.predicate == RDF.type && statement.object.resource? && !useRdfType merge_value(node, '@type', statement.object.to_s) next end # Set value to the result of using the RDF to Object Conversion algorithm, passing object, rdfDirection, and use native types. value = resource_representation(statement.object, useNativeTypes, extendedRepresentation) merge_value(node, statement.predicate.to_s, value) # If object is a blank node identifier or rdf:nil, it might represent the a list node: if statement.object == RDF.nil # Append a new JSON object consisting of three members, node, property, and value to the usages array. The node member is set to a reference to node, property to predicate, and value to a reference to value. object = node_map[statement.object.to_s] merge_value(object, :usages, { node: node, property: statement.predicate.to_s, value: value }) elsif referenced_once.key?(statement.object.to_s) referenced_once[statement.object.to_s] = false elsif statement.object.node? referenced_once[statement.object.to_s] = { node: node, property: statement.predicate.to_s, value: value } end end # For each name and graph object in graph map: graph_map.each do |name, graph_object| # If rdfDirection is compound-literal, check referenced_once for entries from compound_literal_subjects compound_literal_subjects.fetch(name, {}).each_key do |cl| node = referenced_once[cl][:node] next unless node.is_a?(Hash) property = referenced_once[cl][:property] value = referenced_once[cl][:value] cl_node = graph_map[name].delete(cl) next unless cl_node.is_a?(Hash) node[property].select do |v| next unless v['@id'] == cl v.delete('@id') v['@value'] = cl_node[RDF.value.to_s].first['@value'] if (langs = cl_node[RDF_LANGUAGE.to_s]) lang = langs.first['@value'] unless /^[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*$/.match?(lang) warn "i18n datatype language must be valid BCP47: #{lang.inspect}" end v['@language'] = lang end v['@direction'] = cl_node[RDF_DIRECTION.to_s].first['@value'] end end nil_var = graph_object.fetch(RDF.nil.to_s, {}) # For each item usage in the usages member of nil, perform the following steps: nil_var.fetch(:usages, []).each do |usage| node = usage[:node] property = usage[:property] head = usage[:value] list = [] list_nodes = [] # If property equals rdf:rest, the value associated to the usages member of node has exactly 1 entry, node has a rdf:first and rdf:rest property, both of which have as value an array consisting of a single element, and node has no other members apart from an optional @type member whose value is an array with a single item equal to rdf:List, node represents a well-formed list node. Continue with the following steps: # log_debug("list element?") {node.to_json(JSON_STATE) rescue 'malformed json'} while property == && blank_node?(node) && referenced_once[node['@id']] && node.keys.none? { |k| !["@id", '@type', :usages, RDF.first.to_s,].include?(k) } && (f = node[RDF.first.to_s]).is_a?(Array) && f.length == 1 && (r = node[]).is_a?(Array) && r.length == 1 && ((t = node['@type']).nil? || t == [RDF.List.to_s]) list << Array(node[RDF.first.to_s]).first list_nodes << node['@id'] # get next node, moving backwards through list node_usage = referenced_once[node['@id']] node = node_usage[:node] property = node_usage[:property] head = node_usage[:value] end head.delete('@id') head['@list'] = list.reverse list_nodes.each { |node_id| graph_object.delete(node_id) } end # Create annotations on graph object create_annotations(graph_object) end result = [] default_graph.keys.opt_sort(ordered: @options[:ordered]).each do |subject| node = default_graph[subject] if graph_map.key?(subject) node['@graph'] = [] graph_map[subject].keys.opt_sort(ordered: @options[:ordered]).each do |s| n = graph_map[subject][s] n.delete(:usages) node['@graph'] << n unless node_reference?(n) end end node.delete(:usages) result << node unless node_reference?(node) end # log_debug("fromRdf") {result.to_json(JSON_STATE) rescue 'malformed json'} result end |